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Welcome to the Lounge Lone, a reproduction of the Pardus Tavern of the old days, the background isn't set and it often changes to the users' needs.
To enter the room, please identify yourself below and include species, sub-species and gender.
Ex. [KZilo,M], [HuDroid,?], {R/K}{F}, (QuA/R)
Official Skin: B=0E0638&T=DEDEDE&L=FFFF00& (Best for switching between Pardus and the Chatzy or risk blindness. )
1. Be Reasonably Appropriate, none of that X-rated crap, but be aware of adult content so don't enter the chat if you're 13-. Cursing in Long Strings is allowed for now.
2. Promote Room if you've enjoyed your time here.
- PM Tavernmaster Lone/Queen Alien Dremily if I'm being inconsistent or there is a concern about the room.
Love Rekindled: 8
Ask A Mod or One of the Following RP Advisors for assistance in character development or how to RP Decently:
Ira/Elise, Invictio, Eleanor Reynolds, Slek, Ivas, Solarix, Thorn - Recommended
The following is a pretty thorough guide for Role-Playing in the Pardus Theme: -
01/21/16 · · Aelin the nymph has passed away in childbirth.
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